Available in Summer! That's Great News for HK Parents.

The Flexibath is one of those ingenious ideas that you wish you had thought of. It's literally a baby bath that folds up, making it suitable for smaller bathrooms and travelling.
Whats more the Flexibath has received 2 prestigious design awards in Denmark and has been declared one of This Morning's best baby gadgets. The 'must have' for 2010! With this in mind we were given the chance to give it a test.
Bath-time in our house has been full of up's and down's. Over the last three years, we have had babies clamoring for a bath and babies positively refusing to have a bath. we have holidayed with our large standard baby bath and we have holidayed without. The one thing that we have done though, is save a lot of water by not using the big bath! This is why I recommend all new mums to invest in a baby bath; you will save money!
Having reviewed the Flexibath, I think that if you are going to buy a baby bath, this is probably the one to get. For these reasons;
- Its surprisingly compact, you won't have to make a lot of space. It can fold away and be popped under the cot or by the bathroom cabinet.
- The rubber lines which mark out the folds and the non-slip base make it a lot safer than a standard baby bath, your baby won't slip and slide about.
- The plastic is good quality and will last for some time.
- It comes in a range of funky colours!

I think the size is one of the main draw backs; despite what the marketing says about it being suitable up until the age of four, it was too small for Toddler boy who at three, is not enormous by any stretch. By the time he fitted in, a lot of the water had been displaced! I was also concerned about how sturdy it was for him.
The only other criticism I have (and its a tiny one), is that the catch which helps you to clip it together hangs over the edge of the bath when it is opened to use it. This is a really tempting little bit of plastic for a child to hang onto, its also a little bit scratchy and can catch your baby if you are not careful.
In summary, the Flexibath is a really great product, at £29.95 its a bit more costly than your average bath, but the space saving implications outweigh the cost. If you are looking for suggestions for your 'baby list' you can't go wrong with this one. - Shared from Being a Mummy